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E... bem-vindo Debian 8 (Jessie)... creio que esta seja a melhor maneira de iniciar esta postagem.

O sistema está instalado e 99,9% está ok!

Entretanto, faltou o famigerado wifi da Broadcom funcionar.

Debian 8 com a Broadcom BCM4312 LP-PHY e PCI-ID final 4315

Durante a instalação, o Debian avisou que poderia carregar o firmware non-free via pen drive, cartão SD, etc.
Eu ignorei esta tarefa pensando que poderia instalar de forma automatizada, via APT, como dantes no Debian 7.

Segundo a informação do comando apt-get, no Debian 8, o pacote firmware-b43-installer substitui o  firmware-b43-lpphy-installer.

Eu não cheguei a testar o pacote firmware-b43-installer ... resolvi fazer manualmente as coisas!

Para saber o final do seu PCI-ID execute, como root, e observe a saída do seguinte comando:

# lspci -nn -d 14e4:

01:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY [14e4:4315] (rev 01)

Sem final 4315? Procure mais informações nos links:

Ainda como root, ative os repositórios contrib e non-free no seu sources.list. Ex.:

# cat /etc/apt/sources.list
# contrib and non-free
deb jessie contrib non-free
deb-src jessie contrib non-free

Atualize o cache do APT...

#  apt-get update

Certifique-se de instalar os pacotes wireless-tools e b43-fwcutter...

#  apt-get install wireless-tools b43-fwcutter

Agora, baixe o firmware em

#  cd tmp

#  wget ''

Descompacte e acesse a pasta do firmware...

#  tar xjf broadcom-wl-5.100.138.tar.bz2

#  cd broadcom-wl-5.100.138/linux

Crei a(s) pasta(s) de instalação do firmware...

#  mkdir -p /lib/firmware/b43

Extraia o firmware na pasta /lib/firmware/b43...

#  b43-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware wl_apsta.o

Apague os arquivos usados para a instalação...

#  cd tmp

#  rm -Rf broadcom-wl-5.100.138*

Reinicie o sistema e aproveite o seu famigerado chip com PCI-ID 14e4:4315.

Paz a todos!


O Debian 8 foi lançado dia 25 de Abril de 2015, e um dia depois eu o instalei no meu netbook que entes executava o Debian 7.

Veja algumas capturas de telas...

Gnome Session Fallback

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Depois que eu instalei o firmware do wifi, os logs passaram...

Apr 29 15:58:48 junior-nb kernel: [   10.802498] b43-phy0: Broadcom 4312 WLAN found (core revision 15)
Apr 29 15:58:48 junior-nb kernel: [   10.832105] b43-phy0: Found PHY: Analog 6, Type 5 (LP), Revision 1
Apr 29 15:58:48 junior-nb kernel: [   10.832123] b43-phy0 warning: 5 GHz band is unsupported on this PHY
Apr 29 15:58:48 junior-nb kernel: [   10.842535] b43 ssb0:0: firmware: failed to load b43/ucode15.fw (-2)
Apr 29 15:58:48 junior-nb kernel: [   10.842540] b43 ssb0:0: Direct firmware load failed with error -2
Apr 29 15:58:48 junior-nb kernel: [   10.842544] b43 ssb0:0: Falling back to user helper
Apr 29 15:58:48 junior-nb kernel: [   10.950909] b43 ssb0:0: firmware: failed to load b43/ucode15.fw (-2)
Apr 29 15:58:48 junior-nb kernel: [   10.950915] b43 ssb0:0: Direct firmware load failed with error -2
Apr 29 15:58:48 junior-nb kernel: [   10.950919] b43 ssb0:0: Falling back to user helper
Apr 29 15:58:48 junior-nb kernel: [   10.956348] b43 ssb0:0: firmware: failed to load b43-open/ucode15.fw (-2)
Apr 29 15:58:48 junior-nb kernel: [   10.956354] b43 ssb0:0: Direct firmware load failed with error -2
Apr 29 15:58:48 junior-nb kernel: [   10.956358] b43 ssb0:0: Falling back to user helper
Apr 29 15:58:48 junior-nb kernel: [   10.961929] b43 ssb0:0: firmware: failed to load b43-open/ucode15.fw (-2)
Apr 29 15:58:48 junior-nb kernel: [   10.961934] b43 ssb0:0: Direct firmware load failed with error -2
Apr 29 15:58:48 junior-nb kernel: [   10.961938] b43 ssb0:0: Falling back to user helper
Apr 29 15:58:48 junior-nb kernel: [   11.034776] b43-phy0 ERROR: You must go to and download the correct firmware for this driver version. Please carefully read all instructions on this website.

Apr 29 23:40:58 junior-nb kernel: [    9.569047] b43-phy0: Broadcom 4312 WLAN found (core revision 15)
Apr 29 23:40:58 junior-nb kernel: [    9.601861] b43-phy0: Found PHY: Analog 6, Type 5 (LP), Revision 1
Apr 29 23:40:58 junior-nb kernel: [    9.601879] b43-phy0 warning: 5 GHz band is unsupported on this PHY
Apr 29 23:40:58 junior-nb kernel: [    9.687420] b43 ssb0:0: firmware: direct-loading firmware b43/ucode15.fw
Apr 29 23:40:58 junior-nb kernel: [    9.699727] b43 ssb0:0: firmware: direct-loading firmware b43/lp0initvals15.fw
Apr 29 23:40:58 junior-nb kernel: [    9.701106] b43 ssb0:0: firmware: direct-loading firmware b43/lp0bsinitvals15.fw
Apr 29 23:40:59 junior-nb kernel: [   19.556263] b43-phy0: Loading firmware version 666.2 (2011-02-23 01:15:07)
Apr 30 09:32:30 junior-nb kernel: [ 7232.736150] b43-phy0: Loading firmware version 666.2 (2011-02-23 01:15:07)

Agora está tudo à 100%!

Paz a todos!

3 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

Resolveu o meu problema.

Anônimo disse...

Браво!)) Отличная работа! 5+++!))
BCM4312 LP-PHY (debian 9) работает божественно! Превосходно находит 12 и 13 каналы, без проблем подключается к ним!
Огромное спасибо за проделанную работу!
Два дня пытался завести Wi-fi, пользовался официальными инструкциями - безуспешно! - И тут! WoW!))
Для XFCE следует добавить: # aptitude install wicd

Fico feliz que a dica tenha lhe ajudado. Obrigado pela visita!
Я рад, что совет вам помог. Спасибо за посещение! (Yandex translate)
Я рад, что Совет помог вам. Благодарим вас за посещение! (Bing translate)
Я рад, что подсказка помогла вам. Благодарим за посещение! (Google translate)

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